Twitter: change your profile image by default, the end of snake eggs - "TechnoTron"

Twitter: change your profile image by default

The image of an egg that was assigned to new comers to the social network became synonymous with accounts created for the purpose of attacking others from anonymity. After having been replaced as the solution to the problem is still far.

Since 2010, the default image that appeared in the new profiles of Twitter was a white egg, accompanied by a different background for each account. An entry of the blog you write responsible for the layout of the page, explains how the people who use the network to attack other users motivated change that image and the process that led to the gray silhouette that now replaces it.

The idea behind the image that represents the rookies in the social network was simple: eggs were a temporary measure until the users choose an image that would be identified. It is positioning that after leaving the eggs, the users were as birds that fed the interactions of the network with their trills, but eggs started out snakes.

A time here, see an account with an egg as profile photo became a sign of negative behavior. "We have noticed patterns of conduct with accounts that are created only to harass others, they often don't have time to customize your accounts" say the designers of Twitter at the entrance of the blog published on 31 May.

To achieve an avatar which, among other things, were generic, universal, serious and inclusive, Twitter designers experimented with gray images whose unattractive incite users to replace them soon.

Despite this, replacing the image of profile by default does not mean that Twitter has shielded against users who create accounts to attack others from the anonymity. Although the social network has very clear policies against abusive behavior and attitudes that incite hatred the social network still is in debt measures that effectively reduce the attacks without arbitrarily restrict the freedom of expression of their users.



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