Star Wars - Darth Maul

Star Wars - Darth Maul will have the story he deserves

Star Wars - Darth Maul tendrá su propia serie limitada de Marvel Comics

Darth Maul, the Sith apprentice we met in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, will have its own story in a comic book dedicated to this villain.

 Being a villain and being remembered or admired is not easy, many villains have not lived up to the hero and are hardly remembered, but if you are the henchman's henchman, what is described as the "appetizer" is almost impossible. Except in Star Wars. Something characteristic of the galactic saga created by George Lucas is his ability to turn small characters, of those who have just two sentences, into icons. A clear example is that of Boba Fett, who against all odds became a symbol of pop culture.

But there are characters whose value was left aside to tell a larger plot, this is the case of Darth Maul. Now this Sith apprentice will have the story he deserves in a comic that shows his motivations and that led him to become the apprentice of Darth Sidious.

Resultado de imagen para Darth Maul

The results of Star Wars as part of the editorial line of Marvel have been very good, in fact, ranked among the best sold since the end of 2015 and has a series dedicated to Darth Vader that has been a success.

Now it's up to the Sith apprentice, and thanks to Screen Rant we can see the first images of the comic Darth Maul # 1. Written by Cullen Bunn and with the drawing of Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard we will know the thoughts of the character and what he experiences when facing his opponents, we will discover that the motivation is not limited to the thirst for blood but that it is something much more complex.

Darth Maul cómic Star Wars

Marvel reveals to us what may be the most dangerous Sith of Star Wars, Darth Maul's fight against the Jedi is based on a strong belief, that these have gone astray. In the eyes of Darth Maul the Jedi have abandoned what they preach and serve as weapons for the Senate, for him they are a failure that must be eliminated. Contrary to what may seem to be no struggle for power, it is not obedience to Darth Sidious, it has a legitimate purpose for it and will go as far as necessary.

Los mejores cómics que esperamos en 2017

A new villain will have his own comic, hopefully do not disappoint, because there are many expextativas with this character from the dark side of the force, leave your comment


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