Chrome: marked as “not safe” most visited pages - "TechnoTron"

Resultado de imagen para Chrome: marked as “not safe” most visited pages

"With version 56 will reach the notice of non-secure page in Chrome, but does it really was necessary on the part of Google?"

Google has a crusade against the webs unsafe; and is doing everything possible to eliminate them from the face of the Internet. It is not only that in the Google search pages safe have preference, is that the Chrome browser soon you will be informed when to enter into a non-secure page.


HTTPS, the future of the web

When we talk about “safe” or “not safe”, basically we talk about if the website uses HTTPS or HTTP; they are two versions of the same protocol, the first encryption of the content. Here you can read more about the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

HTTPS is a must for pages with login or that show personal data; not only encrypts data, but also verifies that the identity of the website is correct by using certificates.

Unfortunately, HTTPS is not as widely adopted as we would like; Google thinks the same, and is taking measures in this regard.


For a start, in the next version 56 we will begin to see a notice of non-secure page in Chrome. The notice will only appear on the websites we ask for information such as the password or credit card without a secure HTTPS connection.

What is the notice of non-secure page in Chrome

However, Google has been very clear: the ultimate goal is for all pages that use HTTP are marked as non-secure. We do not yet have specific date for this change, but now that the first HTTP pages have been marked as non-secure, it is matter of time to happen the same with the rest.


Something extreme for many web administrators; to consider that the websites that do not treat data the users need not invest in the added security of HTTPS. On the other hand, everyone knows that the future of the web passes through HTTPS.

This is not the first time that Chrome gets into the controversy of HTTPS. In Chrome 46 implemented new security indicators that are marked “not safe” to HTTPS pages that carried part of the contents by HTTP (such as ads or parts of the web).

Chrome 56 is now available in beta version; it is therefore more likely to be available in stable version in the next few weeks.



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